How to Build Hormone Healthy Salads that Satisfy

healthy salads

A good salads is the perfect simple Summer meal and a great way to pack a lot of nutrient dense foods into one bowl.

But for some reason this idea that a salad equals a boring bowl of anemic lettuce has persisted for WAY too long! 

My philosophy has always been that food is more than just macro and micronutrients. It’s meant to be enjoyed too! So why would a salad be any different? 

And since we can’t all have Sweetgreen on speed dial, let’s dive into how to create salads that are delicious AND satisfying in minutes.

Anatomy of the Perfect Salad:

First things first. ALWAYS use a bigger bowl than you think you’ll need. Just trust me on this one. 

✔️Start 2-4 cups of fresh greens (Rainbow chard, arugula, spinach)

Leafy greens are the OG superfood. Greens like kale, swiss chard, arugula and spinach are some of the most potent and powerful foods on the planet, and yet also the least consumed food in the standard American diet. 

Greens boost iron levels, improve hormone metabolism, fight inflammation and are rich in fiber, folate, carotenoids, calcium, and vitamins C and K.  

It doesn’t really matter which ones you choose, just get some! And change up the one you’re eating often to ensure you’re getting a good mix of micronutrients and phytochemicals and the diversity of plants keeps your gut microbes happy! 

✔️Add colorful raw + roasted veggies

Eating at least 5 different colors at every meal is a lofty (but worthwhile) goal!

 Phytonutrients are the powerful compounds that give fruits and vegetables their different colors. These powerful compounds are strong antioxidants that help to boost immunity, mitigate damage from toxins and alter hormone metabolism. 

Each color represents different antioxidants and minerals so it’s important to mix things up often. Including both raw water-rich veggies like cucumber and radishes, and starchy ones like roasted squash or sweet potatoes will help to regulate your blood sugar, improve digestion, and keep you feeling satisfied longer. 

There’s a lot of focus on the number of fruits and veggies we should be eating, but probably not enough on the importance of eating a variety of different plant foods! Not only good to ensure you are getting different nutrients, but also to nourish your gut microbiome. 

The American Gut Project, a large international study on microbiome health found that small amounts of a variety of different plant foods (specifically more than 30 different types of plants each week) was actually more beneficial in terms of gut health and micronutrient availability, and decreasing oxidative markers than large amounts of just a few foods. 

So remember: count colors NOT calories!

✔️Add protein for staying power

There’s A LOT of controversy in the nutrition world and how much and what kinds of protein you should be eating  is a big one! 

No doubt protein is super important! It helps stabilize your blood sugar, moderates energy levels, regulates your appetite, and helps you to age healthfully! 

Wild-caught fish, grass-fed meats, pastured poultry and eggs are excellent sources of protein. But, more protein doesn’t only mean more meat. . . plants are great sources of protein too!

There are several studies suggesting that swapping some animal protein (especially red meat)  for plant based proteins decreases your risk for all-cause mortality, improves hormone health and ovulation, and promotes overall longevity. 

Foods like tempeh, sprouted tofu,  hemp seeds, beans, lentils and quality plant-based protein powders tend to be less inflammatory, and they’re high in fiber to keep the microbes in your gut nice and happy too! 

✔️Sprinkle on some nutrient + flavor boosters

Pickled veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi are a great way to add flavor and give a little extra nutrient boost. Ditto fresh herbs like parsley and cilantro. Seeds like sunflower or hempseed, hummus, avocado, cheeses, almonds, and cashews all make great additions as well. 

✔️Add some healthy fats

Thankfully the 90’s are over and with it the demonization of fat. We now know that fat actually helps your body to better absorb certain nutrients, particularly Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Good quality fats help you to feel full longer, balance your blood sugar, and are essential in supporting overall hormone health. Avocados, nuts and seeds fit into this category as well or mix up a fresh dressing from cold pressed oil. 

And speaking of dressings, they sometimes get a bad rap, (that’s not totally undeserved). The shelf stable stuff at the grocery store

A good sauce can turn even the simplest of meals into something gourmet. And it’s not just about the flavor, sauces are a really great way to incorporate fresh herbs and spices for a serious nutrient boost as well! 

Here are 3 Simple Dressings to Take Your Salads to the Next Level


  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • 1/2 cup local honey

  • 1/2 cup mustard 

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

  • Sea salt 

  • Fresh ground pepper 


In a blender, combine all of the ingredients. 

Blend until smooth and store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to one week. 


  • 3 T Miso 

  • 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar 

  • 1 T grated ginger 

  • 1 T soy sauce 

  • 1 T sesame oil 


In a small bowl, add all of the ingredients. Mix until well combined and transfer into a small glass jar to store in the fridge until ready to use. Drizzle onto salads, rice, tofu, fish. . .anything really!


  • 1/2 cup olive oil 

  • 1/4 cup honey 

  • 2 cups packed basil 

  • Juice from 1 lemon 

  • 1 T ginger 

  • Salt 

  • Pepper 


In a blender, combine all of the ingredients. Blend until smooth and store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to one week. Simple, bright and adds a little burst of freshness to grain bowls and salads. 

Next time you’re looking for a nutrient dense salad that satisfies, whip up one fo these dressings, and say goodbye to sad salads for good.