Hormone Healthy Blueberry Ginger Muesli

blueberry giner muesli

Muesli is really similar to granola, except without all of the added oil and sugar.

The sweetness in muesli comes from dried fruit only. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE granola. . . but muesli is pretty awesome too! 

Mostly because it doesn’t require turning on the oven. 

And, because it’s SUPER easy to make and high in healthy fats and fiber so you’ll feel satisfied all morning long. But there are even more benefits to this humble and healthy breakfast food!

Raw oats are an excellent source of resistant starch, which are indigestible starches that keep your good gut bugs happy and healthy and improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin. 

All good things!

Benefits of Blueberries

In this recipe I used blueberries because not only are they delicious, they’re also insanely good for you! 

The deep blue color makes them one of the most concentrated sources of antioxidants on the planet. Plus they are rich in vitamin C AND absolutely delicious so that’s a win in my book. 

Smaller is better in this case so go for those tiny wild blueberries rather than the big juicy ones for less sugar and more inflammation fighting polyphenols.

Benfits of Nuts

In general nuts are an excellent source of fat, fiber, and protein. My favorite trio! They also pack a healthy punch of vitamins and minerals like magnesium and Vitamin E to help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels. 

Walnuts in particular are a great source of polyphenols and omega-3’s to help keep your heart healthy and decrease inflammation.

Get Creative

While I love this Blueberry Ginger Muesli combo for all of the above reasons and more. . . the VERY best part about muesli is that you can mix and match the dried fruit and nuts depending on what you have on hand, it’s hard to go wrong! 

Try toasted coconut, pistachios, almonds and pecans, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, even chia seeds, wheat germ or ground flax for an extra nutrient boost.

Go nuts! (literally)


  • 2 cups rolled oats 

  • 1/2 cup hemp seeds

  • 1/2 cup walnuts (chopped)

  • 1/2 cup dried blueberries  

  • 1/4 cup crystalized ginger (chopped into small chunks)  


Add all of the ingredients into a large bowl and stir until well combined. 

Transfer the mixture to a large mason jar with a lid, and keep in the fridge until you're ready to use it. 

To serve, add about 1/2-3/4 cup of the muesli into a bowl, and top with greek yogurt and fresh fruit.

This recipe keeps well at room temperature as well but I always store our nuts and seeds in the fridge or freezer so they stay fresh even longer. 

Other Favorite Flavor Combos

  • Cranberry with Almonds

  • Apricots with Pistachios

  • Dried cherries with Pecans

  • Coconut with Macadamias