Ashley Gish

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Try This 5 Minute Self Care Technique Tonight

After a long day, there’s not much better than a massage.

But you don’t have to book an appointment at the spa to reap all the benefits.

Try Abhyanga, instead.

Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic practice of self-massage, and it’s a super simple way to send your body a little love on a daily basis. And it couldn’t be easier.

It’s particularly helpful for Vata dosha imbalances, but just about everyone can benefit from this simple self-care technique. 

Here are a Few of the Benefits of Abhyanga :

  1. Assists with lymphatic drainage, supporting detoxification

  2. Improves circulation

  3. Calms the nervous system

  4. Helps support deeper, more restful sleep

  5. Softens and smoothes the skin

  6. Calms Vata and Pitta and energizes Kapha doshas

Traditionally it’s recommended to spend at least 15 minutes slowly massaging from head to toe with a warm Ayurvedic oil but in real life, 15 minutes of uninterrupted time can be hard to come by.

So instead of stressing out or ditching the practice altogether, remember that even 3 minutes with the right intention can make a HUGE difference. Something is always better than nothing.

And while I’m all for a little alone time each day, my girls LOVE dry brushing and oil massages in the evenings. It’s a really fun way for us all to connect and talk about our days, and it helps their little bodies wind down before bed.

You do what works for you!

The Technique:

  • Warm about ¼ of oil. It should be warm but not hot. 

  • Start at the crown of your head and slowly massage out in small, circular strokes, spending a few minutes massaging your entire scalp

  • Then move to the face. Massage using a circular motion on your forehead, temples, cheeks, jaw and ears. 

  • Always massage moving in an upward motion, using longer strokes on your arms and legs and smaller, circular strokes across the joints.

  • Massage your abdomen moving up the right side, then across, and down on the left. 

  • Finally, spend a few minutes massaging each foot. 

  • You can then take a warm shower or bath and gently towel dry or allow the oil to really penetrate into the skin. 

It’s a nourishing practice for your body, mind, and spirit and a great way to feel grounded in your body. 

The best oil to use changes depending on the season and your dosha or Ayurvedic constitution but you don’t have to worry about that to get the benefits.

Sesame or coconut oil work really great and I’m pretty obsessed with Osea’s Undaria Algae oil. It feels deeply nourishing in the Winter months and smells absolutely amazing! 

What are some simple self care practices you love?