Ashley Gish

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7 Simple Secrets of Better Sleep for Women

Whether you love burning the midnight oil, or live for early morning sunrises you could probably benefit from a little more quality sleep!

In our ‘hustle’ culture, sleep really doesn’t get the respect it deserves!

Sleep is hugely underrated in terms of things we think contribute to our overall health but it’s one of the most helpful tools you have for managing your stress, balancing hormones, and regulating your blood sugar and appetite. 

And it’s the only opportunity your brain has to detoxify and repair itself! So I think it’s definitely something worth paying attention to.

Each phase of your sleep cycle restores and rejuvenates your brain. And your brain even has it’s own built in waste removal system! 

 You may have heard about your lymphatic system. . . but your glymphatic system is specific to your brain! And it’s constantly consolidating information and filtering out toxins and other junk, but during the day, it’s mostly off-duty.

This cleaning out only happens while you are in deep phases of sleep, so if you’re not getting enough, your glymphatic system isn’t able to do its job and toxins can start to build up. 

No wonder your brain feels so foggy at times!

Fortunately, more and more people are starting to recognize sleep as the powerful medicine that it really is.

BUT knowing this and actually GETTING those 7-9 hours is a different story!

There are definitely going to be times when good sleep just isn’t feasible (hi new mamas and business owners!) but simple strategies to set yourself up for success can still be really helpful!

Even if you work night shifts, or your routine varies from day to day, Here are 6 of my favorite simple strategies to help you fall asleep and stay asleep more easily:

  • Read a book. Here’s what I’m reading right now.

  • Try a gentle yoga flow. Or this pose.

  • Drink some Tulsi tea.

  • Skincare rituals. I’m obsessed with these facial oils

  • Turn off your screens. Try to avoid your phone/computer/TV for at least one hour before bed. Your brain will thank you!

  • Start a “brain dump” journal. When all those random thoughts start pouring into your head the moment you try to relax, grab a notebook and get it all down on paper.

  • Try not to overdo it on the caffeine (especially after 2pm)

These simple strategies start to train your body to get into those deeper phases of sleep more quickly so you ‘ll start waking up feeling refreshed and ready to rock your day!

If sleep is a constant struggle and you’re TIRED of lying in bed with your brain going a million miles an hour or falling asleep but still waking up groggy and fatigued throughout the day, join me in RESET your Sleep: 28 DAYS TO BETTER SLEEP AND MORE ENERGY!