My Wellness Philosophy
I’ve always been fascinated by Blue Zones. Those areas around the world where people live longer and healthier lives than the rest of us.
And the most fascinating thing is that it’s a whole lot less complicated than you might think. They aren’t obsessively tracking everything, stressing out about seeds oils, or biohacking their way to a longer life, they’re just living!
And doing a damn fine job of it. Incorporating movement into their days, walking to the markets, preparing simple meals and eating joyfully with friends and family. There’s a strong sense of purpose and connection and joy is not an afterthought.
Don’t get me wrong, I think eating well matters, food is a BIG part of my life. I love eating it, cooking it, traveling to new places to find it and sharing it with others. I just don’t think it’s the ONLY thing that matters . . .
What if, instead of chasing perfection in our health, we invited more joy into our days instead? Went for long walks in nature and spent more time laughing with friends.
What if we surrounded ourselves with beautiful things, and connected with people in our communities and stopped saving the good dishes for a special occasion. . . I think we should.
Because what the hell’s the point of trying to live to 100 if we’re not actually enjoying the journey?