My Favorite Anti-inflammatory Herbs + Spices


Does eating more color in your diet lead to a more colorful life?

The research says YES!

We don’t always connect the foods we are eating with how we feel, but the food-mood connection is real!

Which is exactly why adding in herbs and spices that are naturally anti-inflammatory is not only delicious, it’s also an easy way to get a serious nutrient boost and use food as medicine every time you eat.

When you’re feeling tired or stressed and overwhelmed, it’s easy not to make the best decisions around how to feed yourself.

But, inflammation (which often occurs as the result of a poor diet) has even been shown to increase more impulsive decision making and inability to delay gratification. So what started as one poor choice can easily snowball.

The good news is an anti-inflammatory Mediterranean style diet has been shown to support brain health and decrease the risk for depression. And it’s not actually a diet at all!

The Mediterranean Diet is simply a style of eating that prioritizes eating phytonutrient rich fruits and veggies, wild-caught fish rich in omega-3 fats, grass fed meats, whole grains and legumes, nuts and seeds, and minimizing your intake of pro-inflammatory foods such as refined sugar and carbohydrates, trans-fats and processed foods.

So “eat the rainbow” is more than just a cute phrase. There’s actually a lot of science behind it! 

Phytochemicals, read: plant chemicals that give fruits and veggies their vibrant colors are important to support healthy daily detoxification, decrease inflammation, improve mood and prevent disease. 

Different Color Foods = Different Phytochemicals and Antioxidants

So eating a variety of different foods and colors is one of the best ways to ensure you’re getting enough vitamins, minerals and other essential micronutrients. 

In fact, I’m SO obsessed with eating in color i wrote an entire cookbook about it!

One of my favorite ways to do that is by incorporating LOTS of naturally anti-inflammatory herbs  + spices into your diet.

The term ‘herbs’ usually refers to the leaves of the plant, while spices typically refer to the seeds, berries, bark or roots. We don’t always think about them as a way to get more nutrients in our diets but they are! 

And they are good for so much more than just making your food taste delicious, they help to boost the nutrient density of your meals and are 1full of anti-inflammatory powerful plant compounds. 

Since inflammation is the root cause of so many chronic diseases today, incorporating more herbs and spices is a really simple but powerful way to use food as medicine. 

The Top 10 Naturally Anti-inflammatory Herbs + Spices You Need in Your Diet: 

Chili Peppers

My love for spice runs deep so It’s not hard to convince me to eat more chili peppers. Fresh or dried chilies contain capsaicin which is thought to boost metabolism, reduce pain and keep blood vessels healthy. 


Cumin is a key flavor in so many cuisines worldwide. Indian, Mexican, and North African dishes wouldn’t be the same without it. It also happens to be rich in iron, potassium, and helps with digestion. 


Ginger is a strong anti-inflammatory, aids digestion and helps to decrease nausea. 


Turmeric gets it's bright yellow color from the powerful antioxidant curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to help with everything from reducing pain and inflammation to prevention of dementia. Food as medicine indeed. 


Cinnamon is a potent antioxidant that satisfies your sweet tooth, boosts immunity and is delicious in just about anything.


Cardamom is particularly high in magnesium and zinc. it’s unique flavor is a welcome addition to sweet and savory dishes. 


From curries to tacos I’m of the opinion that fresh cilantro makes everything just a little better and it’s a potent detoxifying herb that’s full of vitamins and antioxidants. 


Parsley is another potent detoxifying herb that is full of antioxidants. It’s good for SO much more than JUST garnish. From tabbouleh to chimmichurri it’s one of my favorites. 


Lemon zest adds a nice bright burst of flavor and packs a decent punch of fiber and vitamin C too! 


Mint plays well in both savory and sweet dishes, has tons of antioxidants and can help with everything from tummy troubles to helping with colds and allergies. 

Cooking in Color

Even things that are traditionally thought of as weeds, like dandelion greens and purslane are awesome to throw into salads and stirfry’s. 

Food is such an important part of culture and experimenting with different spices and cuisines from around the world is a fun way to learn and teach about different cultures from around the globe at home.

Cooking with color is a great way to stay in the present moment and really engage all of your senses too! AND the extra boost of nutrients doesn’t hurt either.