Support your Body's Natural Detox Capacity


Well we’re almost through January already. How are you feeling?

Maybe it’s my imagination but I feel like I’m hearing less of the “new year, new you” messages than usual, and to be honest I kinda love that. 

Nothing like a global pandemic to really bring our priorities around health into perspective, right?! 

Sure the crash diets and detox teas still exist, but I'm pretty darn happy to see the focus shift to taking care of our bodies and minds instead of just trying to change them. 

One underrated but oh so important player in your overall health is your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system helps defend against germs and viruses by making antibodies and is an important part of your immune response. Lymph nodes and vessels run throughout the body and help to detoxify your body by removing cellular waste. 

In western medicine, the lymph system is largely ignored until it starts causing problems. Despite the lymphatic system being somewhat poorly understood, Integrative practitioners have long recognized the important role it plays in disease and healing

Unlike other body systems, the lymphatic system does not have a pump so it relies on things like muscle contraction and massage to keep things moving. 

Here are a few of my favorite simple ways to send your lymphatic system a little love: 


We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, but here’s one more reason to add to the list. Skeletal muscle contraction actually pushes the fluid through your lymphatic system helping to decrease swelling, inflammation, and decreases the risks for some disease. Going for a walk is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make sure things are moving freely!

Dry Skin Brushing

 Dry brushing is a practice rooted in Ayurvedic medicine and is exactly what it sounds like. It involves brushing the skin in gentle upward motions moving towards the heart. Body brushes typically are made with firm, natural bristles. As the name implies, it should be done with a dry brush on dry skin. It’s a great way to exfoliate your skin, increase blood flow and promote lymphatic drainage and detoxification. The key is to use very gentle strokes so you don’t damage the skin. ⁣

It’s super simple to get started and can be done in a minute or two before you hop in the shower 1-2 times a week. It feels rejuvenating and is one more way to care for yourself in 60 seconds or less. And you know I’m all about sneaking in little ways to send yourself more love ❤

Stay Hydrated

I know. It’s not fancy but it works! Most of us are walking around pretty dehydrated and with so many other delicious drinks available these days (hellooooo kombucha and golden milk lattes) it’s easy to forget about the basics, like drinking water. 

Water helps with everything from digestion and elimination to improved athletic performance and mental clarity. Ideally we should be drinking half our body weight in ounces daily.

And eating hydrating foods counts too! By eating foods that are water-rich such as cucumbers, melons, and fresh berries you’re also getting the benefits of phytonutrients and fiber so you’ll stay hydrated even longer and your skin will glow from the inside out.

Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita karani)

 This is one of my all time favorite yoga poses. It’s a simple inversion, but is often exactly the break you need from the daily grind. See how to do it here.

It’s a really great way to relieve stress and anxiety, promote circulation of both blood and lymphatic fluid and is super helpful to promote feelings of calm before heading off to sleep. Try adding in a few deep belly breaths for even more benefit.

Fortunately all of the above strategies double as self-care strategies as well and things that are good for your mind AND your body are always a win in my world.

Cheers to good health in 2021!