High-Protein Mediterranean Pasta Salad 


Who doesn’t love a good pasta salad on a hot summer night?!

As the weather warms up, I’m always trying to figure out easy meals that don’t require slaving over a hot stove.

This combo is one of my favorites because it’s packed with plant protein, comes together quickly and I swear it tastes better outside!

Despite their bad reputation, I am not anti-carb by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love any excuse to pack in extra nutrients and using a legume based pasta does exactly that.


I’m a big fan of beans and legumes … because if there’s one thing we have learned from Blue Zone cultures it’s that ‘Superfoods’ aren't just expensive foods you can’t pronounce.

Legumes are rich in fiber, plant based proteins and detox boosting phytochemicals. AND they’re an excellent source of resistant starches, which helps to keep your good gut bugs nice and happy.

Plus the combo of healthy fats, plant protein and high fiber carbs keeps your blood sugar nice and balanced and balanced blood sugar really is the secret to optimal hormone health and longevity.

OK let’s eat!

Mediterranean Pasta Salad 

  • Banza chickpea pasta 

  • 1 English cucumber (diced)

  • 3-4 Tomatoes (diced) 

  • A few big handfuls of arugula 

  • Handful chopped parsley 

  • Grilled halloumi (diced) 

Lemon vinaigrette 

  • 1/4 cup Olive oil 

  • 2 T red wine vinegar 

  • 2 cloves garlic 

  • Juice from 1/2 lemon 

  • 2 tsp dried oregano 

  • Salt + fresh ground pepper 

Add all of the ingredients to a small mason jar and shake until well combined. 

*If you can find the halloumi it really is worth it but if not just sub fresh mozzarella or a good feta. 


Cook the pasta until al dente. Run under cold water to cool it down. 

Add the chopped cucumber and tomatoes to a large bowl. 

Add the cooled pasta and stir to combine. 

Make the vinagrette and mix everything together. 

Grill the halloumi and chop into small cubes and add to the bowl of goodies. 

Add the parsley + arugula just before serving. 

Enjoy as is or allow to chill in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.