Hormone Balancing Herbal Sleep Tonic

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Adaptogens are one of those wellness buzzwords that seem to grace the label of everything these days from granola to bars of chocolate.

But they’re not actually new at all. In fact, they have played an important role in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Adaptogenic herbs are a group of plants that help your body adapt to stress and support your nervous system. Adaptogens are particularly helpful for women as they play an important role in rebalancing hormones.

Even with all the right tools, stress seems to be the modern day ailment that affects pretty much everyone. And this chronic stress wreaks havoc on your body, particularly your hormones! 

Nourishing our bodies with healthy food, quality sleep, meditation and time spent outdoors are essential to feeling our best. And while these herbs are certainly not a replacement for these lifestyle strategies, they can help to mitigate the harmful effects of stress when you need a little extra support. 

There are many different types of adaptogens, some of them are more calming like holy basil, while others are more energizing like licorice. 

There remains a lot of research to be done, but it’s thought that adaptogens work by calming your body’s stress response system or the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA). making you more resilient to physical, chemical, and psychological stress. They also seem to have a multi-directional effect on hormones, meaning If you're producing too much of a hormone, it decreases production, and if you’re not producing enough it bumps it up.

Ashwaganda, sometimes referred to as Indian ginseng, is on the mild side of the spectrum and is well tolerated by most people. It has a calming and grounding effect and is particularly helpful for women who struggle with feeling “wired and tired” or otherwise struggle to fall asleep.  It has been used for centuries to alleviate stress and is regarded as a general all-purpose tonic. 

It helps to reduce anxiety, gently improves energy and brain fog, and is a strong anti-inflammatory so can be helpful with boosting the immune system and decreasing symptoms of pain related to arthritis. 

Ashwaganda may also be helpful in improving thyroid function, however because of this should be avoided by those with hyperthyroidism. Pregnant women should also avoid Ashwaganda. 

This Adaptogen spiked tonic is one of my favorites to enjoy about an hour before bedtime to ensure a night of restful sleep. And it’s delicious, which is always a bonus. You could use any plant based milk, but making your own hemp seed/macadamia milk is worth the little bit of effort. 


  • 1 cup hot water

  • Small handful raw macadamia nuts (about 5-6 nuts)

  • 1 T hemp seeds

  • 1 Medjool date or ½ T raw honey

  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon

  • Pinch of  sea salt

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • Splash of vanilla or ½ of one vanilla bean

  • 1 teaspoon ashwagandha root powder 


Add all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth and frothy. Pour into your favorite mug and sip slowly as part of your evening ritual. Dulces sueños! 

I talk about sleep a lot.

  1. Because it’s one of my favorite pastimes 


  1. Because it really is underrated when it comes to things that impact your overall health 

From decreasing stress and inflammation to supporting a healthy mood and better energy, quality sleep is the secret weapon you need in your wellness routine.

Sleep is quite literally the only time your body and brain has to repair itself and yet our “hustle” culture still views it as somewhat optional. Sometimes, you probably WANT nothing more than some solid snooze time...BUT actually getting those 7-9 hours is a different story. 

There are definitely times when good quality sleep just isn’t feasible (hi mamas and new business owners!) but when this becomes the new norm, you’ve gotta reset. 

If you’re ready to learn how to nourish your body so you can start falling asleep and stay asleep a little easier, AND wake up feeling more refreshed and energized throughout your day, you’re in the right place my friend. I’ve got a new course available and it’s here just in time to help you navigate the chaos that is sometimes the holiday season…. RESET your Sleep. 

In the Sleep RESET you will learn:  

  • The Many Benefits of Sleep + Why it Matters More than you Think

  • How to Reset your Circadian Rhythms

  • All About Mastering Your Morning Routine

  • How to Eat for Better Sleep

  • Building Better Night Time Routines

  • Simple Strategies to Get You Sleeping Better

And you can do it all at your own pace. You’ll find info on eating for better sleep, learn how to start a braindump journal, some night time meditations and so much more. 

Let’s go!!