Ashley Gish

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How to Exercise for Healthier Hormones

Your body was made to move. 

But our modern lifestyles mean we do a whole lot less of it. 

Regular movement benefits all aspects of our health. From improving cardiovascular health, and joint mobility to reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality. 

So yes, exercise has MANY physical benefits, but I’m convinced that the real benefits come from the clarity of mind and energy that it brings. 

AND the flood of endorphins you get that makes just about everything feel a little more manageable. 

The truth is your body was made to move!! Exercise can and SHOULD be fun and leave you feeling energized NOT depleted. 

But it’s often not the first thing you think of when it comes to hormone health. 

The truth is exercise can either HELP or HURT your hormones depending on what type of activities you’re doing, how often and at what intensity.

More is not always better.

Like many things in life, too much of a good thing is not necessarily a good thing. 

While a sedentary lifestyle is definitely not doing your hormones any favors…If your body is already stressed out, and you’re pushing through your favorite HIIT class every day, all your hard work may actually be making things worse.

More stress = more cortisol 


More cortisol =  more problems 

Stress is actually the number one contributer to hormone dysfunction in women.

The key is to really listen to your body and mix things up regularly. 

Your body likes to be challenged in new ways. So incorporate walking, hiking, balance and weight training, HIIT, yoga, and don’t forget about rest days. 

Allowing your body to recover is how you get stronger. (Read that one again)

Most importantly, have fun!! 

The more you enjoy the activity you’re doing, the more likely you are to stick with it and at the end of the day, consistency is really what matters.